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Above all else, 2014 has been the year of LORDE!
From her Grammy wins to becoming best friends with Taylor Swift, and even being parodied on South Park, we’re going to go ahead and assume this past year in particular has been one for the record books for this gal. HOWEVER! Though you know she’s uber talented and isn’t afraid to throw shade at certain celebrities — how much do you REALLY, REALLY know about Lorde?
If you’ve been thinking to yourself, “Hey, I wish I knew more about Lorde because she’s awesome and she’s super cool and I wanna be friends with her,” you are in the right place my friend, because we’re breaking down eight things you didn’t know about her. So if you ever see her in public, you should probably use one of these facts to get her attention – it’ll either freak her out, or she’ll think you awesome. OK enough chit chat, let’s get started.

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