[Physical Album] Videos

I’m touring again!! Europe and US! get tickets here ?tickets.turnupgroup.com Get this song and our NEW EP off itunes: ?bit.ly This collab was so much fun to do. Tyler Ward is an amazing producer, singer, and he is so much fun to work with. Everything he does is amazing so you have to go check out his CHANNEL and SUBSCRIBE. www.youtube.com We were not even planning on doing this song. We actually just went shopping at a thrift store for another project and we had so much fun that we decided we had to cover this. 2 days later the song and the video were done. Anyhow, Tyler and I have some other projects that will be coming out soon. Download My original music off itunes ?itunes.apple.com Or order on my website: Physical Album:?lindseystirlingviolin.mybigcommerce.com Singles: ?lindseystirlingviolin.mybigcommerce.com Be my friend on Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Be Tyler’s friend too: Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com
